sábado, 28 de enero de 2012

The Words Are Not Bad

I really like read, I can spend a lot of time reading. In my bedroom I have a big piece of furniture where there are all my books, and when I enter to my room I like to watch how they are organized.
I remember that when I was a child and my parents were working I pass a lot of time in the library with a friend of my mother that teach me about a lot of thing, like animals, colors, part of world and the body, etc, and all this activities we made it with books, I really enjoy it, that is why since I was a child that I like books.
When I grow up and I was on the school I begin to know different books, but now, those ones had words, little by little I was increasing the numbers of the words and the pages of the books. Until now, that I can read any book that I want.
Some of the people that I know say that this activity is boring and has no sense, but I do not care what they say because I enjoy doing it, and I am not aware of what they do in their free time.
Besides the books that I read by my own, that are not to easy to understand, now I have a lot of to read, at the university, the teachers give us a lot of papers and books, now I have almost no time to do another activity than read, I am waiting to the end of the class to be able to read whatever I want without the pressure of the university.

viernes, 20 de enero de 2012

Sometimes the dreams change

Since I was a child I wanted study medicine. Sometimes my mother remembers me that the first time that she asked me what did I wanted to study when I grow up? I always answered that I wanted to be a Doctor. I really do not know why my child dream was that, but thanks to some books I realize that the profession for me was not medicine.
When I was 13 years old I started to understand that psychology has a lot of things that I want it for me as a professional, but it was not until my last year of school that I realize what was the carrier that I really wanted for me.
If I start to imagine it how would be my life if I had study medicine, the horror blows my mind. I think that as a Doctor I would not have life, the time to have fun and do the activities that I like to do disappear completely. The advantage of this job would be the high salary that I could earn, and obviously the expensive things that I could buy, but I really do not care the money.
If I think in the things I would like to do for the rest of my life, this must be related with something that I really enjoy doing it, if is not like that, I believe that it do not worth it.

viernes, 13 de enero de 2012

It have been made a lot of investigations acording to the human brain. The scientist have been interested in many aspect of the mind. In a specific study was investigated how the memory is decreacing acording pass the years of their lifes. Since some years ago, the scientist believed that the decline of the memory started at the 60, but thanks to the recents studysthis age was change to 45.
The reserchears have said that the decrease of the mental funtions, as the memory could explain the later developmen of mental illness, for example, dementia and alzheimer. The understanding of this problem would help to the people affected and the society where they live.
Some studies have shown an important conextion in the human body, the heart with the brain. The sientists explain that the people who has heart problems are more susceptible to experience brain illness, as the dementia.
The terrible consecuences of the brain problems must be an important topic in the public health. If we are not be able to recognice that is necesary mantein a wellbeing, we could fall in an awful old age. That is why we must consider that we do not have to go to medical sheck only when we are seek, we should know that the doctors also do preventive work.

viernes, 6 de enero de 2012

Thanks all of you.

The music is one of the most important aspects of my day. I can not go out of my house without my mp4. With the music I can travel to other world, I can imagine that I am on my own and there are no people around me. I would like to thanks to my sister, because she was the person who introduce me to the music. She used to listen British music and because I listen it too.
Now I could not define a favorite kind of music or a favorite group, I like so much the British music, but is not the only kind music that I listen. But since the last time I have listening Oasis a lot, I do not know why, but I really love them, their sounds are interesting for me, I believe that there is not a band like this one. Despites of the amount of musicians that try to seems like them, Oasis is always at the tops of the ranking list. They are so good, is a shame that they split up.