martes, 26 de abril de 2011

A whole world to visit

Since I was a little girl I have been interested in Europe. Nowadays I know a lot of this continent, and my special country of interes is France. I would love to visit this country, I believe that it has a lot of cultural places that are recognized around the world, like the eiffel tower,  the triumphal arch and the Louvre museum. Other interesting things about this special country is its food and its language. I realy like french and obviusly I am interested in the people of this place and how they live. I believe that the all elements of this country makes a really good combination.
 I think that is a good country to live, and that is why, in a few years I would like to live there. Thinking in this trip, I would like to learn to speak french, save the enough money and do all the necesary thing to arrive there. I hope that after finish my university studies I can visit this country with some friends, and have very interesting moment meeting diferent places, meeting diferent people and obviusly touring other countrys of Europe and if it posible other places of the whole world.

martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Music to the moment

When I am sad I usually listen relaxing music, like Radiohead, Duncan Sheik and Oasis, but that depends on the reason why I am sad. For example, if I am sad because I miss someone or something I usually listen Oasis, while I am laying in my bed, or if I am sad because i fight with someone I normally listen The cure, and there are more diferent situations where I listen other groups or singers. But in generally when I listen music I turn of the lights, I close the door, I lay in my bed, I close my eyes,  I try to eliminate all the thinking of my head and I start listening the music. I believe that I can spend a lot of time doing the same thing.
Other groups and singers that I listen when I sad are U2, the beatles, James Morrison,  in general all most the music that I listen is brithish music, I listen it when I am sad, happy, angry or even when I am doing anything, like walking on the street, cooking, studing, etc. I think that the caracteristic of this music is to be sad.

martes, 5 de abril de 2011

Jean William Fritz Piaget born on Switzerland on 9 Agust, 1896. He was an experimental psychologis, philosopher and biologer. Now is considerer the father  of the genetic epistemology. He public  a lot of projects at the univercity of Zurich and worked as a teacher at the Alfred Binet school. After that he participated in the improvement of the C. I. Intelligence Test. When he returns to Switzerland he became director of the Rousseau Institute. At 1923 he married with Valentine Châtenay and had three childrens.  He died on 1980.
This genetic epistemologer is considerer one of the most important psychologits, because his importants contributions to the study of the development of the childrens and adolecent whit his theory about the cognitive development.  His childrens served as objet of many of his studys.
I think that his contributions to the psychology are really important because in his time had not a lot of information and studys about the development of the childrens, and his investigations served to continue the study of the childrens, and now a lot of his theorys are considered.